azman-duniaku-blogspot-com accessed on 03/21/2015, at 21:27 WIT www.anneahira.com_files / understanding of print media and types accessed on 21/03/2015, at 09:00 WIT accessed on 03/21/2015, at 09:45 WIT Printing is accessed on 22/03/2015, at 10:02 WIT accessed on 23/03/2015, 19:03 WIT accessed on 23/03/2015, at 20:00 WIT understanding-media-cetak.htm accessed on 24/04/2015 23:12 WIT
Sabtu, 04 April 2020
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Peace be upon you, and Allah mercy and blessings. Praise us for the presence of Allah SWT because of His grace and grace so that we can complete our papers properly. Our blessings and greetings also do not forget to send to His Majesty the Prophet Muhammad SAW, as leaders of reform for all of us who teach the truth, especially for Muslims who have shown us the way of truth and goodness, especially those who still stand firm today.
This paper was made to fulfill our obligations as students, in order to fulfill the assignments given by the teacher concerned and is a prerequisite in obtaining assignments in "English" subjects.
In compiling this material, we are fully aware of all the shortcomings so that input from various parties, both from colleagues and from lecturers is needed for the perfection of the next paper, and we as the authors of this paper would like to thank for the suggestions and input as well as criticism from readers. which is constructive in the context of perfecting this paper. May Allah SWT always accompany and bless us together in an effort to participate in educating a noble minded life. Amin Ya Rabbal‘Alamin.
Bengkulu Tengah, February 2020
1.1 Background......................................................................................................................... 1
1.2 Problem Formulation........................................................................................................... 2
1.3 Purpose................................................................................................................................ 2
2.1 Definition of Printing............................................................................................................ 3
2.2 Printing History..................................................................................................................... 3
2.3 Definition of Print Media...................................................................................................... 5
2.4 Types of Print Media............................................................................................................. 5
2.5 Development of Media Information in Indonesia................................................................. 7
2.6 General Print Media Functions.............................................................................................. 8
2.7 Strengths and Weaknesses of Print Media............................................................................ 8
3.1 Conclusions............................................................................................................................ 10
3.2 Suggestions............................................................................................................................. 10
1.1 Background
Printing (printing) is a technology or art that produces copies of an image very quickly, such as words or images on paper, cloth, and other surfaces. Every day, billions of printed materials are produced, including books, calendars, bulletins, magazines, newspapers, posters, wedding invitations, stamps, wallpaper, and fabric. This is because the results of printing can quickly communicate thoughts and information to millions of people. Printing is considered as one of the most important and influential discoveries in the history of human civilization. From the mid-1400s to the early 1900s, printing was the only form of mass communication. Education relies on the availability of reading material, even after inventions such as radio, television and motion pictures, printing results remain the main source of information for the world. At present, printing is an important industry in every developed country.
But along with the development of communication technology, printing (printing) is also developing one of them in the form of print media that are used as communication media today. Because the freedom to obtain public information is a human right and one of the important elements in a democratic country to realize good governance that must be implemented by taking into account the political, economic, social and cultural background and defense and security of that country. Therefore, the implementation of public information dissemination can be carried out by existing institutions in the community including the Community Media institutions.
The management mechanism and public information service is very important considering that in current practice, there are so many challenges and obstacles faced, among others related to the weakness of the documentation culture, information management system, the culture of utilizing information, and the dissemination of public information.
In the era of reform and freedom of conveying competitive information, communication institutions are becoming increasingly restrictive. Many social elements compete for public attention. Information is flooding in from various directions, various media, various community groups, various political forces, various business agencies, and government agencies. Information becomes diverse and so much so that public information seems to be drowning among a flood of information. Now information is everywhere, almost everything is interesting and even important and useful. Such high competition conditions encourage mass media institutions to become more selective in presenting their contents. They only present content that is considered to attract public attention. Information on the results of development, information from the government, information on public policies are not well-received in the mass media. New public information is interesting if it contains conflicts, or other controversies. On the other hand the community also needs public information relating to their livelihood. The reforms that have taken place in Indonesia have led to the emergence of various public demands for democratization in various sectors, including the growth of print and electronic community media due to the openness of information and communication.
1.2 Problem Formulation
1. Explain the meaning of printing and give an example!
2. Explain briefly about the history of printing!
3. Explain the meaning of print media!
4. What are the types of print media?
5. How is the development of media information in Indonesia?
6. What is the function of print media in general?
7. What are the advantages and disadvantages of print media?
1.3 Purpose
The purpose of writing this paper is to find out the meaning of printing as well as examples and history of printing. Besides this paper also aims to find out the understanding of print media and types of print media, understand the development of media information in Indonesia, to find out the function of print media in general and the strengths and weaknesses of print media.
2.1 Definition of Printing
Printing Is duplicating a collection of text / images contained in a material or print reference that will be transferred to print media or substrate as desired. Examples of printouts are books, calendars, bulletins, magazines, newspapers, posters, wedding invitations, photos, stamps, and fabric.
Image: various examples of printing results
2.2 Printing History
The history of printing in the world
The history of printing begins with drawings on cave walls that are more than 30,000 years old. In 2500 BC the Egyptians carved hieroglyphics on stone. Then in the 11th century the Chinese made many discoveries. One of them they found paper and moveable type made of clay and then the Koreans made moveable type of bronze in the mid-13th century. However, there is no known connection between early Asian findings and printing inventions in Europe in the 15th century.
In Europe, before printing was discovered, all recorded information was written by hand. The books are carefully copied by scribes (scribes) who often spend years completing a single volume of books. This method is so slow that few people have the opportunity or ability to read the finished work.
It is likely that printing was first discovered to make it easier to duplicate the gospel. If previously written by hand in the scriptoria room, then since the time of the Renaissance, humans have begun to think of accelerating this process through mass production.
The first printing technique that was known started from the City of Mainz, Germany in 1440M which was the center of coin craft at that time. The first time the printing method was introduced by Johannes Gutenberg with the inspiration of coins being rubbed with charcoal on paper. The relief of coins gave rise to the idea of making surfaces of varying heights. This is known as high printing.
Picture: the first printing press in the world discovered by Johannes Gatenberg.
History of Printing in Indonesia
Printing State of the Republic of Indonesia has been established since the days of the Dutch government in 1809 under the name "Drukkerij Lands". As in other countries, the purpose of the establishment of the Government Printing Office is to print state documents which at that time the task is to print "State Gazette" or the State Gazette and the State Gazette along with the additions.
Almost all countries have state printing institutions whose main task is to print state documents, especially State News. At the beginning of the independence of the Republic of Indonesia, the State Printing Corporation received assignments, among others, to print the ORI (Money of the Republic of Indonesia), and got the task to carry out the making of the Republic of Indonesia State Gazette for the first time and is now referred to by the name State News.
While the Printing of Money is now carried out by Perum Peruri. Before the name was changed to Percetakan Negara Republik Indonesia (1950), the PNRI Public Corporation had several name changes. In 1942 his name was "Gunseikanbu Inatsu Koja (GIK). Then in 1945 it was changed to Printing Republic of Indonesia (PRI). Through a Government Regulation NO.46 of 1991, PNRI became a state-owned Public Corporation (Perum), which assumed functions , both as a supporter of national development (agent of development) and as an economic unit (profit center).
Perum PNRI is not only intended to meet the needs of printed goods that contain official state documents and information products issued by the government. Currently in accordance with the development of marketing and management, PNRI Public Corporation also serves the general printing products received from SOEs, the private sector and the wider community in general.
Print media is a media that has a big influence in the history of Indonesian independence. After Indonesia's independence, print media are the most important means for people to express their opinions. So in the end the result of the government's awareness about the impact of the print media itself on public opinion, then in its existence to convey information, the print media must have a published permit.
2.3 Definition of Print Media
The word media comes from the Latin language and is a plural form of the word medium which literally means an intermediary or introduction. Media is anything that can be used to channel messages from the sender to the recipient so that it can stimulate thoughts, feelings and interests and attention. Print media is a media that is static and prioritizes visual messages.
The understanding of print media for the community is still narrowly understood. Many people assume that print media is the same as a newspaper or magazine. Even though if the meaning is broken down deeply, print media are not limited to those two types of media.
Literally the notion of print media can be refuted as a medium for delivering information that has benefits and is related to the interests of many people which is conveyed in writing. From this understanding, we can see that print media is a media which contains information which is related to the interests of the general public and is not limited to certain groups.
This print media is an information channel for the community, in addition to electronic and digital media. In the midst of such rapid community dynamics, print media has been deemed left behind between its two competitors namely electronic media and digital media. However that does not mean the print media is not able to reach consumers who are waiting for the information below.
Image: Newspapers and Tabloids are examples of print media.
2.4 Types of Print Media
In general, the types of print media in Indonesia are classified into eight parts. The classification is based on the time the media published itself. This is in accordance with what was issued by the Director General of Press and Graphic Development, regarding the distribution of print media and its classification. The eight types of print media are as follows.
1. Daily Newspaper
This is a type of print media that is published every day, except on certain days, such as on national holidays. This type of print media is still further divided into National Daily Newspapers, Regional Daily Newspapers, and Local Daily Newspapers. News delivered is the type of news or the latest information and delivered with a straight news system or what it is.
Picture: Malut Pos Post is an example of a daily newspaper.
2. Weekly Newspapers
This type of print media is more commonly known as a tabloid. Usually the news raised is entertainment news or also in depth news or in-depth coverage. Writing in this media is more feature-style or descriptive.
Picture: Example of one of the tabloids in Indonesia
3. Weekly Magazine
This type of magazine is published every Sunday. News raised is news in depth news with the type of news is news about events.
4. Monthly Monthly Magazine
This magazine is published twice a month. News that is displayed is more informative and usually includes news about life style or lifestyle.
5. Monthly Magazine
A monthly magazine is published once a month. The type of reporting that is delivered usually includes investigative or news obtained from the results of research.
6. The Monthly Magazine
This magazine is published once every two months. Information conveyed in this magazine is usually related to reports on the results of something's activities. For example, a company balance sheet or magazine that contains a Zakat institution's income report.
7. Tribulanan Magazine
This magazine concept is almost similar to the bi-monthly magazine. What distinguishes only a matter of time published every three months.
Image: various types of magazines
8. Bulletin
This print media is usually made for certain circles. This media usually only consists of a few pages, and is made with a simple concept. Bulletin is also made for commercial purposes. This type of print media has a variety of fields again. As explained above, this type of print media is subdivided based on age, contents of information, and fields.
Image: sample bulletin
2.5 Development of Media Information in Indonesia
The more advances in information technology, the more sophisticated the media that can support that information. In Indonesia also experienced the development of information media. In the past, information media was obtained from print media, and even then only a few were published. Existing print media in the form of newspapers and magazines. The media contains political, economic and other information related to Indonesian people's lives.
At that time, print media were rarely encountered because the print media companies were still small, so the circulation was only in big cities. In addition, print media consumers at that time were still exclusive. In addition to print media, electronic media at that time that could be used as information media were radio and television. People who want to find out information about the state of Indonesia, they get information through national news that is broadcast by the national news agency. People who live in rural areas or far from cities, usually get information from radio or television. However, television at that time still had little. Radio also only people who can afford it who have a radio.
Indeed, the economic situation in Indonesia at that time was not yet advanced. Electronic goods are still expensive, so only people who can afford them have the goods. Along with the times, the information media also developed. The human need for information is also increasing and the economic situation in Indonesia is increasing. The print media is developing too. Many print media companies have started and expanded their marketing to rural areas. People who are far from urban areas can enjoy the print media. The types also become various. Ranging from daily to monthly newspapers, tabloids, magazines and bulletins. The information provided was not just about politics or the economy that was happening, but there was also an area of entertainment that was listed in the media.
These print media consumers are not only from the middle to upper economic circles, but also from the middle to lower economic groups can also enjoy information from the print media. The price is affordable by all groups, making all people able to buy and enjoy the information provided by the media. The types of print media are already various. All ages have their own print media. From children to parents also have their kind. Print media in the form of tabloids are information media that are consumed by children and adolescents.
Many tabloids of children and adolescents have circulated throughout Indonesia. In addition, teenagers and adults alike have also been widely circulated. Adult magazines are also many kinds, according to the type of information provided. There are also foreign magazines and newspapers from abroad which are circulating in Indonesia. There are also people who need information from outside. Even though only a handful of people consume these outside magazines and newspapers. Electronic media is no less interesting than print media. Even print media has been forgotten because of the increasingly sophisticated development of electronic and digital information media. Information obtained through electronic and digital media is very easy and fast, and is up to date. Supporting facilities for electronic and digital media are also easily available.
This convenience makes print and electronic and digital media increasingly competitive. However, each media has advantages and disadvantages of each.
2.6 General Print Media Functions
Function / Role of print media Born and developing newspapers in Indonesia can support the implementation of development ideals in Indonesia to become a more developed country. To be able to support the implementation of these ideals, the role of newspapers in Indonesia is:
1. As an enlightening information media.
2. As an educative educational media.
3. Improve intellectual life of the community.
4. Help strengthen national unity.
2.7 Strengths and Weaknesses of Print Media
The advantages of the first print media are:
1. Repeatable, i.e. can be read many times by saving or clipping it, so that one day it is needed to be seen and read again. Second, sharper analysis, can make people really understand and understand the contents of the news.
2. More in-depth analysis can make people think more specifically about the contents of the writing.
3. Can find out events in the surrounding area (local). With the electronic media we can find out information nationally, but often we do not know what is happening in the area around us because electronic media sometimes only deliver news nationally. While the print media can provide information on events in the surrounding area even to remote villages up to date.
While the disadvantages are:
1. In terms of time the print media is late than other media. Because the print media cannot disseminate news or information directly to the public and have to wait for a new print down the news or information can be disseminated.
2. Print media only rely on writing which of course cannot be heard by the communicant. Third, limited visuals. Print media only provide visual images of dead or photos that represent or reinforce news content.
3.1 Conclusions
Based on the above discussion, we conclude that Printing is a technology or art that produces copies of an image very quickly, such as words or images on paper, cloth, and other surfaces. And the media are all things that can be used to channel messages from the sender to the recipient so that they can stimulate thoughts, feelings, concerns, and interests and public attention. Print media is a media that is static and prioritizes visual messages. The types of print media are daily newspapers, weekly magazines, semi-monthly magazines, monthly magazines, bi-monthly magazines, quarterly magazines, and bulletins.
3.2 Suggestions
The advice we can give is to be able to understand and learn more about printing, especially print media in the mass media, so that we can find out how to manage and publish it to the public.
REFERENCES accessed on 20/03/2015, at 21:05 WIT. accessed on 03/20/2015, at 21:15 WIT
pelangii21sek and benefits of print media
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