Sabtu, 04 April 2020
Peace be upon you, and Allah mercy and blessings. Praise us for the presence of Allah SWT because of His grace and grace so that we can complete our papers properly. Our blessings and greetings also do not forget to send to His Majesty the Prophet Muhammad SAW, as leaders of reform for all of us who teach the truth, especially for Muslims who have shown us the way of truth and goodness, especially those who still stand firm today.
This paper was made to fulfill our obligations as students, in order to fulfill the assignments given by the teacher concerned and is a prerequisite in obtaining assignments in "English" subjects.
In compiling this material, we are fully aware of all the shortcomings so that input from various parties, both from colleagues and from lecturers is needed for the perfection of the next paper, and we as the authors of this paper would like to thank for the suggestions and input as well as criticism from readers. which is constructive in the context of perfecting this paper. May Allah SWT always accompany and bless us together in an effort to participate in educating a noble minded life. Amin Ya Rabbal‘Alamin.
Bengkulu Tengah, February 2020
1.1 Background.......................................................................................................................... 1
2.1(A) Types and Advertorial Properties................................................................................... 2
2.2(B) Advertorial Functions and Objectives............................................................................. 3
2.3(C) Advertorial Anatomy....................................................................................................... 3
2.4(D) Advertorial Techniques.................................................................................................. 4
3.1 Conclusions..................................................................................................................... 6
3.2 Suggestions..................................................................................................................... 6
1.1 Background
Advertorial is a form of advertising that is presented using a journalistic writing style. Which means using a pattern of six news elements, namely 5W + 1H, as in writing straight news and depth news or features. The form of advertorial in each mass media is different, depending on the writing style and layout format that applies to each media. So that it can be said that advertorial is advertising in the form of news, or can also be referred to as news that breathe advertising values.
To find out which advertorial and which news, pay attention to the end (closing). The following is a code or sign that is commonly used to distinguish between news writing written by editorial reporters, press releases and advertorials:
1. (ays), this code shows that the author is an editorial staff of the journalist who wrote the "ays"
2. (intermediate / ays), this code shows that the author is editorial staff (reporters) with an "ays" provincial basis using material (data) that he obtained himself, plus from an intermediary news source.
3. (B11), the code shows that the author is editorial staff (journalist) whose name is only known to the editor's internal circles. However, in some media this code can be seen in the editorial arrangement.
4. (*) or q, this sign is usually used on news originating from press releases sent by non-reactionaries.
5. (adv) This code shows the form of writing advertorial. "Adv" itself is an abbreviation of advertorial.
To emphasize the difference between news and advertorials, major media not only includes codes or signs as mentioned earlier. Kompas daily, for example, gives the name "ad" at the top before the advertorial title.
A. Types And Advertorial Properties
Advertorial types can be distinguished based on the message material conveyed in the writing. Broadly speaking, advertorial types are divided into:
1. Product Advertorial
This type of advertorial, in its writing presents a lot of discussion about products (goods) that will be marketed or have been in the midst of society. The topic of discussion can be about the brand, type, quality, existence, etc. related to the product. For example, discussing the latest models of jeans issued by companies that have well-known brands.
2. Advertorial Services
This type of advertorial, in its writing presents a lot of discussion about the services offered to the public. The topic of discussion could be about the type or quality of services provided by service provider companies. For example, discussing the quality of service for freight forwarding services.
3. Corporate Advertorial (company)
This type of advertorial, in its discussion presents a lot about the existence of a company, both private and government owned. The topic of discussion is usually about the activities carried out by the company concerned.
4. Advertorial Governance
This type of advertorial in its writing presents a lot of discussion about activities around government.
The properties contained in the advertorial, including informative, explanative, interpretative, persuasive, argumentative, influential, praising and exploratory.
B. Advertorial Functions And Objectives
Advertorial functions to unite information and messages into a whole building using readable language. Besides that, the discussion was delivered clearly, firmly, and easily understood by the public. Based on the theory of needs expressed by a social psychologist Abraham Maslow, the words conveyed are not just to convince the audience, but must be able to tempt attention, arouse curiosity, and arouse a sense of belonging. Those three things are not enough. The most important thing is the words (messages) delivered must also be able to create needs for the audience. In this case, the message delivered must be able to convince potential investors of the need to invest their capital.
C. Advertorial Anatomy
Advertorial is an advertisement in the form of news, so in the presentation also uses writing techniques that are commonly used in the world of journalism, namely straight news, depth news, or features. Following is the anatomy of writing features:
1. Intro
Intro in the style of feature writing is the key to producing good writing. Broadly speaking, the intro has a function to draw the reader's attention to the writing, and make square off in writing the material that has been obtained. In addition, to astonish or surprise the reader, tickle curiosity, arouse readers' delusions, or briefly tell events to the reader. Here are the forms of intro that are commonly used in advertorial writing with feature styles:
a. Narrative, namely telling a situation in such a way that makes the reader seem to be in the situation and atmosphere described
b. Descriptive, namely describing a situation in such a way that makes the reader can imagine how something is described
c. Questions, namely asking questions to open insight into the reader and at the same time providing answers to provide answers to member knowledge and satisfy the curiosity of the reader.
d. Quotation, i.e. quoting a statement or opinion of someone who is considered to have attractiveness, credibility, or integrity
e. An epigram, is to use a phrase, or a specific term that is well known in people's lives.
f. Greetings, namely using the word greeting that is usually used in everyday conversation
2. Body Essay
There are several patterns that can be used to compile and detail the supporting information of the essay including the following patterns:
a) Thematic, that is, each paragraph provides a reaffirmation of what has been described in the intro
b) Spiral, is each paragraph detailing what was written in the previous paragraph.
c) Blocks, i.e. each paragraph contains information that is essentially independent of itself.
3. Closing Essays
Unlike the straight news or depth news advertorial style, feature writing style is similar to the article. The similarity is at the end of the essay must have a closing part as a climax.
4. Writing Structure
Feature style writing can use inverted pyramid, pyramid or chronological pyramid structures.
5. Sentence Bridge
In every structure of writing there is always a bridge of sentences to sweeten the transition from the terrace to the body, from the body to the closing. So that it becomes a complete whole.
D. Advertorial Techniques
Techniques in advertorial include:
1. Writing Preparation,
At this stage, it usually begins with the search for ideas or ideas, testing ideas, selecting topics, collecting data, and creating an outline.
2. Writing Implementation
New writing is carried out after the ideas and topics are determined, and supporting materials and data are collected
3. Repair (editing)
In every writing, improvement is absolutely necessary. Editing is useful for knowing the possibility of errors in typing, grammatical writing and data relevance.
4. Establish Title
The title is the writing identity. without a title, if likened to an anonymous human, writing becomes anonymous. In fact, in the world of communication, the title is a message that reflects the entire contents of the essay.
3.1 Conclusions
Advertorial is a form of advertising that is presented using a journalistic writing style. Which means using a pattern of six news elements, namely 5W + 1H, as in writing straight news and depth news or features. The form of advertorial in each mass media is different, depending on the writing style and layout format that applies to each media. So that it can be said that advertorial is advertising in the form of news, or can also be referred to as news that breathe advertising values.
3.2 Suggestions
The advice we can give is to be able to discuss and learn more about Advertorial, especially advertising media in mass media, so we can learn how to manage and publish it to the public.
REFERENCES understand-technical-writing-press-release_15.html advertorial
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